Nov 18, 2009

Memorable Meeting

Today, late morning, when Roy asked me to attend a session during lunch-time, I thought, it must be one of those usual sessions; but then, who can say NO to him. So, I obliged. Though, what a treat it turned out to be !

When I walked in, the legendary Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry's fame had just started  speaking. He shared with us about how they established the company, how a spike of massive growth diluted the culture of the company and the saga of its takeover by Unilever. It was very exciting to learn how they made social vision drive financial and product visions of the company and how it was integrated into its daily operational fabric.

It was very comforting to me to listen to a very successful entrepreneur talk about those beliefs which I hold dear to my heart - social vision driving a business towards success, negative effects of rapid growth, social image of an organization building a widely known brand etc. It was quite a hair-raising event for me.

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